Bar / Bat Mitzvah
Bar and Bat Mitzvah literally mean "son and daughter of the commandment. At Temple Kehillat Chaim, we believe when a boy and girl become b'nai mitzvah they are truly prepared to take on the responsibilities of Jewish adulthood. We believe that rather than the end of their Jewish education, it's just the beginning as they embark on a lifelong journey of discovery of their Jewish identity and the Torah.
We will work together with you to determine a date for your child's bar or bat mitzvah approximately two years before their 13th birthday. Once a date is set, we will be with you every step of the way making sure that your child is prepared to step onto the bima (pulpit), read the Torah and become a b'nai mitzvah!
Just call us at 770.641.8630 for your personal appointment and we will answer all of your questions.