Youth Groups
We have several youth engagement groups beginning with our 3rd graders and continuing through high school.
Klub 345
Suesan Phillips, Advisor
Junior Youth Group
Michelle Erste, Advisor
Klub 345 is our youth engagement group for our youngest members in grades 3 - 5. They have fun playing games, sleeping over at the Kehillah for a Shabbaton experience, and participating in mitzvah projects.
Most recently Klub345 held a Cupcake Wars event, and participated in the Youth Engagement Havdallah. They will finish off the year with a Lounge Day in April and Color War day in May.
The Junior Youth Group (JYG) is open to children in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades, and is dedicated to the promotion of a sense of Jewish community at an early age, through work, play and friendship. Monthly outings have included roller skating, chocolate factory, laser tag, bowling, lock-ins and more!
Roswell Area Federation of Temple Youth
Jason Simon, Advisor
North American Federation of Temple Youth
RAFTY is the senior youth group at TKC. All TKC high school students are welcome to join and attend RAFTY-sponsored events. We host monthly dinners, events such as lock-in's, RAFTY in the City, annual trip to Uncle Shuck's Farm for the cornmaze and hayride bonfire, Cupcake Wars, and attend social action events such as The Hunger Walk benefiting the Atlanta Food Bank.
Come out to one of our upcoming events and experience RAFTY for yourself! RAFTY is led by teen leaders who plan programs, services for TKC, and social action projects. RAFTY members also attend NFTY-SAR events throughout the year including a weekend of leadership training at Liz Leadership Training Institution (LLTI), Fall Kallah, Winter Regional, and Spring Kallah.
NFTY is a Reform Jewish community for high school students. NFTYites forge and build friendships, lifelong Reform Jewish identities, and leadership skills through community building, worship, social action, and experiential youth-led Jewish educational programming.
NFTY-SAR, the Southeast Region of NFTY, brings together Reform Jewish teens from 22 Temple Youth Groups (TYGs) in northern Florida, Georgia, as well as South Carolina and portions of North Carolina. Our members come together at many times during the year for learning, fun, worship, community service, and fellowship to help young Jewish adults build and strengthen lifetime ties with each other and Reform Judaism. NFTY’s heart and soul is participation of local Temple Youth Groups (TYGs) like RAFTY at Temple Kehillat Chaim.
(username: nftysar, password: chai18)
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